2014 Planned events

GDG Montreal > Uncategorized > 2014 Planned events

2014 Planned events

2014-03-07 | droidmtl | Uncategorized


#gdg #2014 #gdgmontrealandroid #report

For 2014, we’ve already had a few events (see previous year’s activity report).

Monthly Meetups

We’re planning on holding our monthly meetups where we usually have one or two hours worth of presentations. Agendas vary based on speaker availability, etc.

We want to experiment with a Video-Podcast format we’d film during the meetups, very much at the “drawing board” stage at this point.

As far as the bigger events on the radar:

April 2014: DevArts / The Art of Coding Art

Talks planned:

  • Processing language
  • http://www.smallfly.com (Hugues Bruyere)
  • Leap Motion (Javascript based API, easy to start with)
  • Raspberry Pie / USB Android Dev Kit (François)
  • Procedural Content generation/GPGPU (Etienne, preview of upcoming talk)
  • Waiting back on word from:
  • Montreal MiniMakerFaire people.
  • Friends from Concordia TAG labs.

Autumn 2014: Hackathon (part of DevFest, if possible)

We’re hoping to hold another week-end long Android / Mobile themed hackathon in early Autumn, 2013’s DevFest week-end was a great event, we’d like to repeat and improve the experience for 2014.

Supporting the community

Last but not least, we’ll be continuing outreach efforts, to do “Introduction to Android” / “Rapid prototyping” presenteations, as well as mentorship during various hackathons / startup weekend type events around the city.