Intro to Android / Intro to Rx

GDG Montreal > Events > Intro to Android / Intro to Rx

Intro to Android / Intro to Rx

2014-05-15 | droidmtl | Events, Uncategorized


by GDG Montreal Android

starts 18h30, on Thursday May 22 2014

Notman House


First off, big hello to everyone who attended the DevArts evening at Google last month, we had a blast and hope you did as well.

Our next event will be taking place at a brand new, freshly renovated Notman House, next week. If you’re new to Android, you won’t want to miss it, because we’ll be onboarding new members with an Introduction to Android session.

Evening’s Agenda

  • 18h30
  • Community annoucements (All are welcome!)
  • Call for Google Dev Expert submissions
  • 18h45
  • Intro to Android
  • 20h00 Quick break
  • Show and Tell: New toys! (Fancy bluetooth headset)
  • New advanced APIs: Netflix’s Rx library
  • 20h15
  • Review of Android Intro Code lab, Q&A
  • ~20h45
  • Beer and food, @Ye Olde Orchard Pub

Intro to Android

Animateur/MC: Etienne Caron

We’ll be teaching the Android fundamentals, show you how to create your first Android project, compile it and run it.

You’ll learn about the Android application lifecycle, the different types of Android components (Activities, Intents, Services, etc.)

We ask attendees to prepare for the intro course by pre-installing the following:

If you need help with your installation, barring any work-emergencies, Etienne or other Android-Montreal volunteers will be on site starting at 17h00~17h30. Please plan ahead. đŸ™‚

Meetup Sponsors


Can’t code withoutThe best Java IDE Once again, we’re very happy to announce that we’re being sponsored by none other than the makers of IntelliJ, JetBrains! We’ll be having a draw for 1 Free License of IntelliJ IDEA.

Register Now!

Eventbrite - GDG Montréal Android Meetup - May 2014