@ Brutopia
1219 Crescent Street, Montréal, QC
This month we have two exciting presentations, and lots-o-beer!
Our usual location (Notman House) is unable to accommodate us so this month we are going to be happily hosted by Brutopia, a popular brew pub located downtown at Metro Guy-Concordia.
Note, we will start at 6pm (presentations start at 18h15) to accommodate the happy hour crowd.
- 18h00: Arrival and socializing
- 18h15: Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre
- 18h45: Testing Android with Computer Vision
- 19h30: Beer and food, @Brutopia
Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre
Avec Boris Dubois
Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre : débuter avec des interactions simples sur Android Wear en respectant les design guidelines.
Testing Android with Computer Vision
How to setup and tweak Sikuli tests for Android
With Farah Abbasi & Gina Chiodo
In this talk we will show you can test image heavy, and/or legacy/hybrid android apps using OpenCV (computer vision) and Sikuli. Sikuli is a framework which automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI’s internal or source code, or writing tests crosses layers of technologies ie in a Cordova/HTML5 app running in a webview.