DATE CHANGE! Tuesday May 5th 2015
McKibbin’s 1426 Bishop St, Montréal, (QC)
It was announced this morning that the Canadians will be playing Wednesday!!
Our reservation has been changed for Tuesday the 5th!!
- 17h30 – Socializing, announcements.
- 18h00 – Helpful android design patterns by Ahmed Mahmoud
- 19:00 – Introduction to Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2 by Lukasz Piliszczuk
- 20:00 – Networking
Welcome & Announcements
- Google I/O extended: Who’s going to the extended event at Google Montreal?
- Post-Google I/O Meetup: When should we meet to show-and-tell?
- Questions for the I/O crowd: Share your burning tech questions with the team, we’ll try to find answers for you.
Helpful android design patterns
by Ahmed (Yucef) Mahmoud
We’ll be exploring the following patterns:
- Incremental network syncs to reduce requests, save bandwidth, and increase responsiveness
- Google cloud messaging for 2-way communication, eliminating polling, and remote command execution
- Base activity navigation drawer pattern (from google 2014 I/O app). Simpler to work with than the pattern described in the developers manual
Yucef developed a passion for Android development two years ago, and has since built a strong understanding of the full stack Android development process. For efficiency and consistency, he strictly adheres to Google’s developer and design guidelines, Google Play Developer Program Policies, as well as sound object-oriented-design principles.
You can find Yucef on LinkedIn.
Introduction to Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2
by Lukasz Piliszczuk
The talk is about how I became a happy Android developper with Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2. I won’t go into the details of how to implement those 3 libraries, as one talk wouldn’t be enough. I will give my feedback, the pros and cons, the overall picture of how things work, etc.