June Meetup, Special Google I/O

GDG Montreal > Events > June Meetup, Special Google I/O

June Meetup, Special Google I/O

2015-06-14 | droidmtl | Events, Uncategorized

Monday June 29 2015

Google 1253 McGill College #150, Montréal,(QC)

For those who missed Google I/O and for those who want to learn more about the new things announced at the event, here is a special GDG post I/O!

Slack group: http://android-montreal.com/slack

Design support library: Coming soon

Intro to DataBinding API: https://goo.gl/j3J2Yt

Google I/O Summary: Coming soon

ATAP Keynote


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  • 17:30 – Socializing, announcements.
  • 17:45 – Design support library by Marcos
  • 18:00 – Data Binding by Étienne Caron
  • 18:30 – Summarize of Google I/O by Laurence de Villers and François Legare
  • 19:00 – Udacity MicroDegrees by Étienne Caron
  • 19:30 – Google I/O Experience exhibit

Welcome & Announcements

  • What is new in GDG Android Montréal
  • GDG Android Montreal Slack

Design support library

###by Marcos Damasceno

Google I/O this year brought us what everybody was waiting for since Material Design was announced: The Android Design Support Library. Now many of the Material Design common Patterns like the FAB button, Tabs, Snackbar, CollapsedToolbarLayout and many more features are available for easy use in your apps.

In this talk we’ll do a deep dive into the library, how to take advantage of the main new components available, why they are important and how to bring consistency to your app.


Marcos is an Android Craftsman at Mirego and Droidcon Montreal organizer. He loves simple and beautiful UX and UI and has his attention always focused to small details and what makes mobile apps great. A passionate about Start Ups, Marcos already attended to many start up weekends and hackathons in Sao Paulo, San Francisco and Montreal and currently serves as a mentor for some successful Brazilian apps like Mobills (+1M downloads). He has been playing around with mobile since 2010, worked in many significant android apps as well as on the backend side for the Brazilian market. Marcos already had the opportunity to speak at big conferences before and it’s active in the Android community. Marcos recently led the development of a big consumer’s product android tablet app currently used by Sony US and now do great stuff with an amazing team at Mirego.

You can find Marcos on Twitter.

Data Binding

by Étienne Caron

An early look at the Data Binding Library. Data binding basically allows you to bind your model to relevant view elements. Changes to the model will be reflected in your UIs, and vice-versa.

The judicious use of this library promises to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate that is traditionally needed when coding Android UIs.

We’ll also see how the library compares to a ButterKnife + RxJava data binding implementation.


Etienne is a software developer who’s worked on all tiers (server, web, mobile and embedded) of large scale software platforms. He’s been the Android team lead for PasswordBox, which was acquired by Intel Security in 2014. He is now Android team lead for TrueKey, Intel’s digital identity manager.

You can find Étienne on LinkedIn.

Summary of Google I/O

by François Légagé and Laurence de Villers

In this talk we will review what was revealed in Google I/O and discuss about the new technologies and the impact on user and developper. Of course, we will talk of the keynote of ATAP that surprised a lot of people.

François is one of the mobile gurus at Bell Canada. He jumped in the Android bandwagon in 2009 when segmentation was just a mere theoretical concept on Android OS. He’s also co-organizer of the GDG Android Montreal, gave various talks on the Montreal scene in the past.

You can find François on LinkedIn.

Laurence is a mobile software developer at Bell Canada. She is a recently graduated engineering student who created with other students the official university application of the university École de technologie supérieure. She also participated to the creation of the application Grand Pool RDS and RDS Go. She started the first interuniversity and intercollegiate competition in mobile, ApplETS Mobile Challenge

You can find Laurence on LinkedIn.

Google I/O Experience exhibit

  • Cardboard demo
  • Tango and dive helmet
  • Photo slides from I/O