Wednesday, May 27th, 2020
The meetup will be held online!
Join here :
- 18:20 Welcome!
- 18:30 Don’t Forget to Test Your Flutter Code par Boris-Wilfried Nyasse 🇫🇷
- 19:15Â Break (time to get another coffee / beer / etc.)
- 19:30 Design Thinking, how to make better apps quickly by François Légaré
Don’t Forget to Test Your Flutter Code
NB : 🇫🇷 this talk will be in French 🇫🇷
par Boris-Wilfried Nyasse
Testing is one of the most important phases of app development. You can’t build a high-quality app without testing it. The testing process requires precise planning and execution, but it’s also the most time-consuming part of development.
The Flutter framework provides comprehensive support for Flutter automated testing. Although Flutter is gaining traction, it can easily obscure the beauty of the Dart platform and the way developers can easily test their code.
In this session, we will look at how to build and automate your Flutter app testing.
Currently working as VP of Engineering for Stack Labs Canada (a consulting company
specialized in architecture and development of cloud solution),
I am a passionate Developer & Cloud/DevOps Architect, and above all passionate about tech, languages, infrastructure, and automation. I enjoy my journey to work with customer Technical leads, client executives and partners to manage and deliver successful migrations to Google Cloud solutions.
I enjoy my journey to ensure that the engineering trains run on time by creating an ideal environment for passionate people. My goal is just to inspire others to continuously improve and raise their standards at all levels of the team : follow best practices of software development. From the code analysis, testing and CI/CD knowledge.
Former founder and co-organizer of the Flutter Toulouse Meetup, it is fun to share my passion for Dart & Flutter. I’ve provided some talks to GDG and DevFest event ( Toulouse, Montpellier, London ).
Design Thinking, how to make better apps quickly in a post covid world
by François Légaré, Bell
We will review multiple tools used to create products that are aligned with customer needs. From ideation tools to root cause problem analysis, this talk will help you and your team build a backlog that is fully aligned and prioritized in a quick iterative format (+/- 5 days from problems analysis to conception).
Holder of an engineering degree in information technology and a DEC in computer science, and more recently a MBA François Légaré work in the IT field since 1998. He was a programmer analyst and system architect, team lead in J2EE, web/mobile developers and trainer and now act act as a senior solutions engineer combining AI, AR/VR and various cloud and IoT solutions to increase benefits for entreprise clients. He also teach and give conferences on various IT related topics. He is also involved in the IT community of Montreal participating and organizing various IT related events.
His main strengths are innovation, creativity, communication, excellent comprehension of strategic business issues, the ability to lead complex projects and delivery team.