Monday, April 17th, 2023
A big thanks to Unity for the venue!
1751 Rue Richardson Suite 3500, 3rd Floor Montreal, H3K 1G6
Flutter is a fast-growing framework. Many companies and start-ups use or already migrated to Flutter for its fast development and performance.
Join us for a second full fluter event in Montreal. Whether you’re a flutter developer, assessing, or curious about flutter, you can join our in-person event in Montreal. This is the best moment to find and get to know Flutter developers and the companies that use Flutter in their products.
- Ali Yazdi – Flutter developer and open-source contributor
- Jhin Lee – Full-Stack Developer@Unity
- Samuel Dionne – Android developer@Transit
Subject: state management in the Flutter application
In this event, we are going to talk about state management in the Flutter application. If you have experience in any state management, be prepared to talk about that at the event. We’re going to present why you would want to use a state management solution and two options we worked with: BLOC and RiverPod
- 18:00 Welcome!
- 18:30 Introduction about state management by Ali Yazdi
- 19:00 Break
- 19:15 BLOC state management by Samuel Dionne
- 19:35 RiverPod state management by Jhin Lee
- 20:00 Discussion and continue networking
- 20:30 End of the event
Introduction about state management
by Ali Yazdi
BLOC state management
by Samuel Dionne