A big thanks to Transit for the venue!
Join us for our first Meetup of 2024 on Wednesday, February 21st. We will talk about Android more specifically Compose, architecture and Tensorflow.
5333 casgrain, bureau 803, Montréal, H2T 1X3
- Etienne Caron – GDE and Consultant
- Samuel Dionne – Android developer@Transit
- Nav Singh – Senior Mobile Software Engineer @Manuvie
- 18:30 Welcome!
- 18:45 Quick intro to Computer Vision on Android by Etienne Caron
- 19:30 Break
- 19:40 Compose all the way with Circuit by Samuel Dionne
- 20:00 Generics gotchas in Kotlin by Nav Singh
- 20:30 Discussion and continue networking
- 21:00 End of the event
Quick intro to Computer Vision on Android
by Etienne Caron
Compose all the way with Circuit
by Samuel Dionne
We will explore the library called Circuit from the developers of Slack and see what it means to use Compose beyond the UI layer.
Generics gotchas in Kotlin
by Nav Singh
I recently worked on updating a version of the SDK. While the SDK has been migrated to Kotlin, it still uses Java internally.
Following the SDK update and removing the nullability, everything seems to be working fine. There is however a crash as indicated by the following stacktrace:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Parameter specified as non-null is null: method com.*.*.viewmodels.ViewModel$1.onSuccess, parameter result
Therefore, in this talk, we will cover the generics in Kotlin, as well as the upper bound on its type system.