[Tickets https://gdg-montreal-android-august2013.eventbrite.ca/]
Meetup – Wednesday August 28th 2013
Hello everyone, a new GDG Android meetup is upon us! As you might know, we’re preparing for our DevFest 2013 event, taking place on September 21-22. Google has confirmed they’ll be sponsoring the catering for the week-end as well as providing prizes to HackFair participants.
The evening’s agenda is as follow:
- Official registration of projects for the DevFest.
- Registration for DevFest speakers and volunteers.
- Hands-on, one-on-one mentoring for DevFest projects.
The page for the Montréal Android DevFest is now up here. It will consist of CodeLabs for people who want to learn about Android, and a HackFair on Sunday, a venue for developers to show off their independent projects.
DevFest – Let the Hacking commence!
HackFair – Building teams and Call for projects
You have a killer idea you’d like to build for the fair? Come officially register your concept, and if you’re looking for people to help you realize your vision, pitch to the group to find new teamates.
Meetup Sponsors
As mentioned above, DevFest is being sponsored by Google. Build your web application or mobile backend on Google App Engine or Google Compute Engine? GDG members and attendees of the wednesday meetup will be offered a $2,000 credit!
Once again, I’m very happy to announce that we’re being sponsored by none other than the makers of IntelliJ, JetBrains! We’ll be having a draw for 1 Free License of IntelliJ IDEA.
Proud to useJava IDE with unparalleled java code
analyzer (600+ built-in inspections)