Hello everyone, our next meetup will be taking place on 27th of November, 2013 at 18h30, in Notman House as usual.
We’re a bit short notice this month, and we wanted to open the floor to anyone who’d like to get a hand at presenting an API, library, open source project or technology that is dear to their heart. The format we’re aiming for is small and informal, timeboxed to anything between 10-30m long.
As of now we had people interested in presenting What’s new in Android 4.4, a short tour of Dagger (the lightweight Injection library) as well as Retrofit (a Rest client API).
As usual, you’re welcome to come by and make announcements to our community. We’ll probably be going out for food after the event, so we hope you’ll stick around and hang out!
Meetup Sponsors
Once again, I’m very happy to announce that we’re being sponsored by none other than the makers of IntelliJ, JetBrains! We’ll be having a draw for 1 Free License of IntelliJ IDEA.