Learn new skills and deepen your Android chops
Starting on September 22nd and for the next 7 weeks, we will be holding weekly events over lunchtime where we will talk about new Android libraries or tips and tricks you might not already know about. Each week, we will present a new subject and set you off with an in-depth codelab, then we will answer questions about the previous week’s subject. We aim to do both sections within 35-40 min.
We also will be available on slack in the channel #android-study-jams-2021 to help you out if you’re blocked in the codelab, or simply want to ask a question. If you know about a subject already and want to help out on slack, you are welcome to join the channel 🙂
- Sept. 22nd: Welcome + Coroutines
- Sept. 29th: MotionLayout
- Oct. 6th: Using Hilt in your Android Apps
- Oct. 13th: Advanced WorkManager
- Oct. 20th: Advanced Testing: Survey of Topics
- Oct. 27th: Jetpack Compose Basics
- Nov. 3rd: Last questions + Thank you
* Please note that these subject and associated codelabs are for advanced developers. Prior knowledge of the Android platform and Kotlin is expected. We’ll do our best to make it interesting to devs of all levels but can’t cover all the fundamentals during the short presentations.
Join us every week at noon: https://meet.google.com/fxm-fncw-hoo