
GDG Montreal > Events

June Meetup, Special Google I/O

2015-06-14 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on June Meetup, Special Google I/O | Events, Uncategorized

Monday June 29 2015

Google 1253 McGill College #150, Montréal,(QC)

For those who missed Google I/O and for those who want to learn more about the new things announced at the event, here is a special GDG post I/O!

Slack group:

Design support library: Coming soon

Intro to DataBinding API:

Google I/O Summary: Coming soon

ATAP Keynote


Sponsored by


  • 17:30 – Socializing, announcements.
  • 17:45 – Design support library by Marcos
  • 18:00 – Data Binding by Étienne Caron
  • 18:30 – Summarize of Google I/O by Laurence de Villers and François Legare
  • 19:00 – Udacity MicroDegrees by Étienne Caron
  • 19:30 – Google I/O Experience exhibit

Welcome & Announcements

  • What is new in GDG Android Montréal
  • GDG Android Montreal Slack

Design support library

###by Marcos Damasceno

Google I/O this year brought us what everybody was waiting for since Material Design was announced: The Android Design Support Library. Now many of the Material Design common Patterns like the FAB button, Tabs, Snackbar, CollapsedToolbarLayout and many more features are available for easy use in your apps.

In this talk we’ll do a deep dive into the library, how to take advantage of the main new components available, why they are important and how to bring consistency to your app.


Marcos is an Android Craftsman at Mirego and Droidcon Montreal organizer. He loves simple and beautiful UX and UI and has his attention always focused to small details and what makes mobile apps great. A passionate about Start Ups, Marcos already attended to many start up weekends and hackathons in Sao Paulo, San Francisco and Montreal and currently serves as a mentor for some successful Brazilian apps like Mobills (+1M downloads). He has been playing around with mobile since 2010, worked in many significant android apps as well as on the backend side for the Brazilian market. Marcos already had the opportunity to speak at big conferences before and it’s active in the Android community. Marcos recently led the development of a big consumer’s product android tablet app currently used by Sony US and now do great stuff with an amazing team at Mirego.

You can find Marcos on Twitter.

Data Binding

by Étienne Caron

An early look at the Data Binding Library. Data binding basically allows you to bind your model to relevant view elements. Changes to the model will be reflected in your UIs, and vice-versa.

The judicious use of this library promises to dramatically reduce the amount of boilerplate that is traditionally needed when coding Android UIs.

We’ll also see how the library compares to a ButterKnife + RxJava data binding implementation.


Etienne is a software developer who’s worked on all tiers (server, web, mobile and embedded) of large scale software platforms. He’s been the Android team lead for PasswordBox, which was acquired by Intel Security in 2014. He is now Android team lead for TrueKey, Intel’s digital identity manager.

You can find Étienne on LinkedIn.

Summary of Google I/O

by François Légagé and Laurence de Villers

In this talk we will review what was revealed in Google I/O and discuss about the new technologies and the impact on user and developper. Of course, we will talk of the keynote of ATAP that surprised a lot of people.

François is one of the mobile gurus at Bell Canada. He jumped in the Android bandwagon in 2009 when segmentation was just a mere theoretical concept on Android OS. He’s also co-organizer of the GDG Android Montreal, gave various talks on the Montreal scene in the past.

You can find François on LinkedIn.

Laurence is a mobile software developer at Bell Canada. She is a recently graduated engineering student who created with other students the official university application of the university École de technologie supérieure. She also participated to the creation of the application Grand Pool RDS and RDS Go. She started the first interuniversity and intercollegiate competition in mobile, ApplETS Mobile Challenge

You can find Laurence on LinkedIn.

Google I/O Experience exhibit

  • Cardboard demo
  • Tango and dive helmet
  • Photo slides from I/O

# Mini-hackathon – Espace Desjardins (Avril 2015)

2015-06-03 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on # Mini-hackathon – Espace Desjardins (Avril 2015) | Events, Uncategorized
          <iframe src="" width="400" height="250" frameborder="0" title="Mini-hackathon - Espace Desjardins (avril 2015)" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>              

Nice video showcasing the Google Design Sprint we held back in April with our GDG, right before DroidCon Montreal.


April/May Meetup

2015-04-29 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on April/May Meetup | Events, Uncategorized

DATE CHANGE! Tuesday May 5th 2015

McKibbin’s 1426 Bishop St, Montréal, (QC)

It was announced this morning that the Canadians will be playing Wednesday!!

Our reservation has been changed for Tuesday the 5th!!

  • 17h30 – Socializing, announcements.
  • 18h00 – Helpful android design patterns by Ahmed Mahmoud
  • 19:00 – Introduction to Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2 by Lukasz Piliszczuk
  • 20:00 – Networking

Welcome & Announcements

  • Google I/O extended: Who’s going to the extended event at Google Montreal?
  • Post-Google I/O Meetup: When should we meet to show-and-tell?
  • Questions for the I/O crowd: Share your burning tech questions with the team, we’ll try to find answers for you.

Helpful android design patterns

by Ahmed (Yucef) Mahmoud

We’ll be exploring the following patterns:

  • Incremental network syncs to reduce requests, save bandwidth, and increase responsiveness
  • Google cloud messaging for 2-way communication, eliminating polling, and remote command execution
  • Base activity navigation drawer pattern (from google 2014 I/O app). Simpler to work with than the pattern described in the developers manual


Yucef developed a passion for Android development two years ago, and has since built a strong understanding of the full stack Android development process. For efficiency and consistency, he strictly adheres to Google’s developer and design guidelines, Google Play Developer Program Policies, as well as sound object-oriented-design principles.

You can find Yucef on LinkedIn.

Introduction to Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2

by Lukasz Piliszczuk

The talk is about how I became a happy Android developper with Mortar, Flow and Dagger 2. I won’t go into the details of how to implement those 3 libraries, as one talk wouldn’t be enough. I will give my feedback, the pros and cons, the overall picture of how things work, etc.



2015-03-26 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on DESIGN / HACK | Events, Uncategorized

April 8th from 10h00 to 17h00

Get your tickets on Eventbrite, places limited!

Espace Desjardins

175 Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest Montréal, QC

DroidCon Montreal and GDG Android Montreal proudly present Design/Hack.

Targeted towards Android developers and UX designers, this is a one day workshop where people
form ad-hoc teams, design an app concept and build a prototype using ‘off-the-shelf’ services and APIs.

As this is a workshop concept, teams are formed on site, subjects are assigned. You’ll benefit
from expert mentoring and advice throughout the day.

All participants are expected to bring their laptops with a fully working Android Studio development
environment. (I.E. You should already be able to run things off a physical device or an emulator.)

We welcome junior Android developers, but we recommend a minimum of experience with the platform
if you want to get the most out of the day.

The team with the Best App concepts will received tickets DroidCon, where they’ll be able to
network with internationally renowned Android professionals. There might also be some surprises 🙂

Part 1: DESIGN (3h)

Adapted from the Google Venture “Design Sprint Playbook”. You will learn how to rapidly
explore new ideas, and go from concept to prototype in record time.



Part 2: HACK (3h)

We’ll give a short introduction to various rapid development tools and APIs. We’ll then
teach you a method to efficiently work as a team with short iterative cycles, without sacrificing

You’ll then demo the work accomplished, and our mentors and panel of professionals
will review your progress and give you pointers and hints to bring your idea to the next level.




We’d like to send our thanks and gratitude to our hosts for this event, Desjardins :


March Meetup

2015-03-18 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on March Meetup | Events, Uncategorized

Droidcon Special!

Tuesday March 24th 2015

McKibbin’s 1426 Bishop St, Montréal, (QC)

Our meetup this month will be at McKibbins. With DroidCon Montreal coming up very soon, we have a packed line up!

  • 17h30: Socializing, announcements.
  • 18h00: NoSQL & Offline Mobile Apps by William Hoang
  • 18h30; Pause
  • 18:45 – Intro to spannable by Mike Wallace
  • 19:00 – A Touchy System – Pre Droidcon talk *by *
  • 19:20 – Why you should come to the VR Talk at Droidcon Montreal **
  • 19:40 – Lollipop Superpowers by Marcos Damasceno and Michael Smith
  • 20:00 – Networking

Welcome & Announcments

We’ve got more events lined up in view of DroidCon! (PALAIS DES CONGRÈS
/APRIL 9-10TH 2015)

  • April 8th: Special Android Arduino talk by Jenny Tong , Developer Advocate for Firebase & Google Cloud Platform.
  • TBD: Pre-DroidCon Hackathon, sponsored by Desjardins.

NoSQL & Offline Mobile Apps

by William Hoang

What happens when your Android mobile device does not have a network connection? That device will have no content, no experience and the amazing application that you spent so much effort to build just simply will not work.

This talk would be around the implementation story of creating offline and online applications on Android Mobile.

The journey begins with NoSQL database modeling and what we can do with a NoSQL technology for mobile. The session will go through how to create data object model relations, design for performance in difficult areas with no signal, and how to develop a local Android NoSQL datebase that syncs to the cloud.

We will go over code on how to have your mobile application function offline without relying on the network. You will gain knowledge in NoSQL databases technologies and walk away with insights on how to create offline type of applications that to sync to the cloud.

Couchbase Mobile is a thin client library that would help developers with their mobile projects in creating a local data layer for offline user experience and will provide fast sync capabilities when there is available network connectivity.

Intro to spannable

by Mike Wallace

In this talk you will have an introduction to what will be presented at Droidcon Montreal about Spannables

A Touchy System

by Phillippe Breault and Éric Tremblay

Philippe and Éric will talk about a very delicate subject: The Android Touch System. This talk will set up the bases for what Philippe Breault will present at Droidcon Montreal

Why you should come to the VR Talk at Droidcon Montreal

by François Légaré and Laurence de Villers

The subject says it all! Mobile VR is coming very strong, Google last year introduced the Cardboard, Samsung has its own VR Device and HTC and Valve are entering the game with something that looks stunning. Come to this talk and get a taste of what they will present at Droidcon Montreal.

Lollipop Superpowers – Pre Droidcon Talk

Marcos Damasceno and Michael Smith

Lollipop is around for a good time already but many things that were introduced are not being used very much, like Animation Transitions, Recycler View and more. We will be doing an introduction of what is coming at Droidcon Montreal from Marcos and Michael


William Hoang:
William is a Developer Advocate on the Mobile Engineering/Developer Experience team at Couchbase. His love for coffee and code has transcended him into the world of mobile while appreciating the offline in-person experiences.

Prior, William worked on the Developer Relations team over at Twitter, BlackBerry, and Microsoft while also having been a Software Embedded GPS engineer at Research In Motion.

William graduated from McGill University in Electrical Software Engineering

Mike Wallace:
Mike is a senior software architect with over 20 years of professional software development experience. Five of those years relating specifically to Android. During those years, he has developed a passion for Android and a rich knowledge of its APIs and inner workings.

Philippe Breault:
Philippe is a software engineer from Mirego that has been passionate about android for the past 5 years. He spends a lot of time trying to find better ways to develop great apps, sometimes blogs at

Eric Tremblay:
Eric is a software developer at Mirego, where he started working on Android apps in 2012. He has contributed to many interesting projects and developed a passion for optimizing application development through choosing the correct tools and approaches.

François Légaré:
François is one of the mobile gurus at Bell Canada. He jumped in the Android bandwagon in 2009 when segmentation was just a mere theoretical concept on Android OS. He’s also co-organizer of the GDG Android Montreal.

Laurence de Villers:
Laurence de Villers is a young rising star in the mobility business and currently works at Bell, she can produce a app faster than you can think of a title for it.

Marcos Damasceno:
Marcos is an Android Craftsman at Mirego. He’s working with Android since 2010 and he already had the opportunity to speak at big conferences like The Developer’s Conference, DevFest Sao Paulo and now most recently at Droidcon New York.

Michael Smith:
Lead Mobile Engineer at Frank & Oak, also currently working on the new API that will feed the mobile, web and POS clients as the online and physical worlds collide in retail. He’s a passionate about E-Commerce and the overall mobile shopping experience. (edited)


February Meetup

2015-02-19 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on February Meetup | Events, Uncategorized

Notman House, 51 Sherbrooke West, Montréal, (QC)

The Meetup this month will be held at Notman House, one of the most popular locations in Montreal for tech community events 🙂

We’ll have a talk on mobile security by Mohamad Elserngrawy and a talk on drawables and UI by Marcos Paulo Damasceno.

Wednesday February 25th 2015

  • 18h00: Socializing
  • 18h15: Welcome, announcements, present your startup, etc.
  • 18h30: CaptureMe: Attacking the User Credential in Mobile Banking Applications
  • 19h30: The Magic World of Drawables
  • 20h30: Wrap-up, food and drink with the gang at a TBD location.

Welcome & Announcements

Short agenda

  • Coming soon in March and April
  • Potential CouchBase Mobile session or workshop, date TBD
  • Firebase Developer Advocate visit, tentative date: 8th of April.
  • Application “Full-Stack” Workshop, date and details TBD
  • Call for speakers
  • Women TechMaker event
  • March Meetup
  • April Meetup

CaptureMe: Attacking the User Credential in Mobile Banking Applications

Mohamad Elserngrawy

The topic abstract: I will present a new screenshot attack CaptureMe to expose the user credential (Card ID and password) from mobile banking applications on Android platform.

Words about me: I’m a Researcher and Software Engineer has 8 years of experiences in software design and development. In the last 3 years I focused my research on mobile platform security especially with Android platform.

The Magic World of Drawables

Marcos Paulo Damasceno

Talk description: A very useful and powerful feature of android that developers sometimes ignore or use it wrong. The small details of your app is what make it amazing, in this presentation we will talk about how Shapes, Layer-Lists and more can make your UI jump to another level and amaze your users. All that without being a rockstar designer!

Bio: Marcos is an Android Craftsman at Mirego, one of Canada’s fastest-growing companies.

He loves simple and beautiful UX and UI and has his attention always focused to small details and what makes mobile apps great. A passionate about Start Ups, Marcos already attended to many start up weekends and hackathons in Sao Paulo, San Francisco and Montreal and currently serves as a mentor for some successful brazilian apps.

He has been playing around with mobile since 2010, worked in many significant android apps for the brazilian market in the backend and mobile stack. Marcos already had the opportunity to speak at big conferences in Brazil like The Developer’s Conference and DevFest Sao Paulo.

Marcos moved to Montreal in 2013, where he led the development of a big consumer’s product android tablet app currently used by Sony US and now do great stuff with an amazing team at Mirego.

You can follow Marcos at:

  • Google Plus +marcospaulosd
  • Twitter @marcospaulosd

January Meetup

2015-01-24 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on January Meetup | Events, Uncategorized

McKibbin’s 1426 Bishop St, Montréal, (QC)

The Meetup this month will take place at the top floor of McKibbin’s, a nice venue with decent acoustics i.e. Where we can hear ourselves talk 😉

  • 18h00: Socializing
  • 18h15: Welcome, announcements, present your startup, etc.
  • 18h45: Managing a task scheduling queue by John Brohan
  • 19h30: Custom Views and the Hierarchy Viewer by Etienne Caron and François Légaré
  • 20h00: Food and Drinks (room reserved until 20h50)

Welcome & Announcements

We’d like to discuss the following with the group:

  • Going back to regularly scheduled Meetups
    • Proposed: last Wednesday of each month.
  • Winter-Spring goals:
    • Workshops
      • Design Workshop
      • App Development
      • Play Store Publishing
    • Upcoming Subjects [proposals for monthly themes]
      • Full stack development
      • Server-side talks (REST/DropWizard/Heroku/Google Cloud/Docker)
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Tools of the Trade
    • Meetup Outreach / Event Mentorship
    • Call for speakers & mentors / Subject proposals
  • Announcing upcoming events:
    • Intro to Android @ APPLETS MOBILE CHALLENGE, February 6th (Note: this event targets students.)
    • Intro to Android Talk @ Concordia, week of February 2nd

Managing a task scheduling queue

by John Brohan

“An App for Grandma” operates continuously and autonomously, it requires no input from the user (typically an elderly person unwilling to press any buttons).

The “TimeActionQueue” schedules many different kinds of events:

  • Show the next picture in a gallery in nn seconds
  • Process a GCM broadcast message to download a photo
  • Start a Skype session
  • Send an email to remind friend to send more photos every 10 days
  • Manage the steps to setup and refresh Google Cloud Messaging
  • Display the time in the Action Bar to 5 minute precision…….

Things you need in a TimeActionQueue:

  • Create an action
  • Add a new time action
  • Add unique and Poll
  • Does not need a destroy (discuss)

Debugging aid for coping lots of enums by getting the names of enums into the debug log.

Question getting from static functions to non-static methods in an Activity?

Custom Views and the Hierarchy Viewer

by Etienne Caron and François Légaré

Recent studies have consistently shown that latencies in the order of a 100 milliseconds can have fairly big impacts on usage patterns. Worse yet, the effects of latency exposure tend to linger on. Once your users are exposed to it, it can take weeks before they go back to their original usage pattern!

This highlights how important it is to optimize your UI. Thankfully you have multiple tools on Android that can help you achieve this.

In this session, we’ll look at the Hierarchy Viewer and how to use it (and some other onboard debugging tools) to create truly responsive UI and UX.

We’ll also take a look at the basics of Custom View creation, and how to define custom-made XML attributes to leverage the Android Interface editor.


December Meetup

2014-11-27 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on December Meetup | Events, Uncategorized

@ Brutopia

1219 Crescent Street, Montréal, QC

This month we have two exciting presentations, and lots-o-beer!

Our usual location (Notman House) is unable to accommodate us so this month we are going to be happily hosted by Brutopia, a popular brew pub located downtown at Metro Guy-Concordia.


Note, we will start at 6pm (presentations start at 18h15) to accommodate the happy hour crowd.

  • 18h00: Arrival and socializing
  • 18h15: Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre
  • 18h45: Testing Android with Computer Vision
  • 19h30: Beer and food, @Brutopia

Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre

Avec Boris Dubois

Contrôler ses écouteurs Bluetooth avec sa montre : débuter avec des interactions simples sur Android Wear en respectant les design guidelines.


Testing Android with Computer Vision

How to setup and tweak Sikuli tests for Android

With Farah Abbasi & Gina Chiodo

In this talk we will show you can test image heavy, and/or legacy/hybrid android apps using OpenCV (computer vision) and Sikuli. Sikuli is a framework which automates anything you see on the screen. It uses image recognition to identify and control GUI components. It is useful when there is no easy access to a GUI’s internal or source code, or writing tests crosses layers of technologies ie in a Cordova/HTML5 app running in a webview.




2014-10-13 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on ANDROID DevFest HACKATHON! | Events, Uncategorized


We will now start at 18h on Friday.

We’ll give you some sample code, food and lots of coffee, just bring your enthusiasm to learn!

(And your laptop… and preferably with AndroidStudio installed… maybe you should get that nice emulator too, alongside a git client … 😉

The DevFest is an annual event held by GDG (Google Developer Groups) around the world. Come join one of the most active GDG in Canada. Our mission is to mentor and welcome new and experienced Android developers and Android developers en devenir.

At the hackathon we will have a couple of extra devices on hand so that you can build

  • an Android Wear app,
  • an Android TV app
  • a Google Cardboard app,
  • or anything that strikes your fancy that you can do with an Android device.

Tickets here:

Android DevFest Montreal 2014

We will even have a few prizes (TBA). Join 60+ hackers on October 24-26, 2014 at Notman House, 11 Sherbrooke West, Montreal.


Friday 24 Oct

  • 6:00pm Meet & Greet + beer
  • 6:30pm Presentation Session about the event, Agenda, purpose etc..
  • 7:00pm Teams pitch ideas

Sat 25 Oct :

  • 9:00am Opening = welcoming breakfast – meet & greet
  • 9:30am to 10am Presentation about hacking for Android Wear & Android TV
  • 10:00am to 6:00pm hacking (12-1pm : LUNCH)
  • Evening/Overnight schedule To Be Determined/Confirmed with Notman House

Sunday 26 Oct

  • 9:00am Hacking
  • 3:30pm Publish Demo Videos on YouTube
  • 4:00pm Project Presentations
  • 5:00pm Judging + Beer



Notman House


Hoping to learn more about the DevFest? Check out our website. You can also follow us on Twitter and Google +.

Have questions about the GDG DevFest 2014? Contact Us!


EcoHackMTL 2014

2014-10-06 |by droidmtl | Comments Off on EcoHackMTL 2014 | Events, Uncategorized

C’est le temps d’acheter votre billet pour le hackathon écoHackMTL2014! Cette année nous avons plus de 3000 $ en prix, un lieu exceptionnel, et tout dont vous aurez besoin pour un « hack » hors pair. Le tarif réduit se termine le 6 octobre. Voici tous les détails :

Hackathon écoHackMTL 2014
Samedi 18 octobre 2014 – 8 h 30 à 18 h – LB Atrium, Université Concordia
Billet EventBrite

Vous êtes invités à hacker Montréal pour la rendre plus verte et plus durable! Pour participer, vous pouvez apporter votre aide à un des projets existants, créer votre propre projet ou répondre à un défi.

Le billet comprend la participation au hackathon et le délicieux lunch servi sur place. Il y aura également des collations et du café pendant la journée.

Profitez d’un tarif réduit de 15 $ en prenant votre billet avant le 6 octobre 2014! Après cette date, le tarif sera de 20 $.

De super prix pour les gagnants
Cette année, grâce à l’appui de nos commanditaires, nous vous offrons des bourses très intéressantes et plus encore!

Prix systèmes alimentaires – 1000 $ + 10 heures de mentorat
Pour le projet avec le plus grand potentiel pour l’amélioration de la durabilité du système alimentaire montréalais.

Prix Start-Up verte – 1000 $ + 7 heures de mentorat de Montréal NewTech + billets pour participer au International Start-up Festival en 2015
Pour le projet qui a le plus de possibilité de commercialisation (peut-être à but lucratif ou non).

Prix évolution – 500 $
Ce prix est spécialement pour les équipes qui ont participé à écoHackMTL en 2013 et qui ont continué à faire évoluer leur projet.

Prix des participants – 500 $
Le projet gagnant sera choisi le 18 octobre par les participants de écoHackMTL.

Prix du public – 500 $
Le projet gagnant sera déterminé à l’issue d’un période de vote public de 1 semaine lancé sur le SparkBoard écoHackMTL à la fin du hackathon.
En savoir plus sur les prix et les modalités